
Learning how to learn

October 26, 2017 | 4 Minute Read

My notes for the Coursera course titled Learning how to learn from UC San Diego.

  • Two modes in brain
    • Focus mode: When mind is engaged in content with high cognitive processes like reading, analyzing, comparing.
    • Diffused mode: When mind is relaxed, like when one is swimming, walking or just laying down contemplating the clouds.
  • When learning something new you need to switch between the two modes.
  • Pomodoro technique a great tool for learning, 25 mins of undivided attention and then quick break as a reward.
  • Working memory is not 7 but actually 4 slots (ex. memorizing a phone number)
  • Spaced repetition helps to long term memory
  • TIP: Tell your brain to dream about what you want learn
  • Exercise increases the number of neurons in brain (research by Rusty et al)
  • Chunking is process by which neurons are united to form a network (like a spider web)
  • Need to focus when making a chunk
  • Important to always understand most basic idea when trying to understand something complex
  • Context is important, so we know when to use that which we are learning and also when not to use it.
    • Top Down (Big Picture) –> Context <– bottom up (chunking)
  • TIP: Scan a chapter in a book for about 1 to 2 min before you do detail reading this helps create context and a map for brain of what you are about to learn
  • TIP: After reading material, instead of re-reading better to Recall (research by Korpicke)
  • Highlighting can be useful but keep it to a minimum and in addition write small sentence per paragraph to summarize it.
  • TIP: Always test yourself (same idea with Recall)
    • Mistakes help to learn
  • Useful to learn material in different locations. So studying in living room, in library, in classroom is good. Diversify so that when you recall you don’t only remember a single place
  • Motivation is key when learning, three key chemicals
    • Acetylcholine
    • Dopamine: Found in neurons, reward learning
    • Serotonin: Risk taking behaviour
  • Einstellung like installing a road block
  • TIP: Focus on process and not product when studying. A process could be “Studying for 20 min” instead of “finishing assignment” (product). Helps relaxing. Only focus on giving your best effort
  • Reward is important to rewire brain to create new habits
  • TIP: Write TODO lists day before
  • TIP: As soon as you wake up work on a disliked and important task even if it is hard


  • Using images to memorize. Images connected to right hemisphere and part of our evolution. OUR BRAIN IS GOOT AT IT!!!
    • Needs to be funny and repeated over several days
    • Index cards help
  • Handwriting helps to convert into neural memory structures
  • Speaking out loud when studying also helps to set auditory hooks in brain. Basically the more senses you use in learning the better it will retain
  • Astrocytes new exciting research and Einstein’s brain had more than average human
  • Memory Palace Technique
    • Use map of your home or your route to work
    • Place funny or strange objects you want to remember along your route, helps remember unrelated items
    • In experiments, when people were given 50 items to remember and they used this technique they remembered close to 95%. WOW!!!!
    • As an example, for your shopping list, place a giant bread loaf in entrance of house, and then maybe a cracked egg on sofa, the more funny and strange the better
  • TIP: Create metaphor or analogy, it helps attaching to existing connections in brain of something we already understand
  • People learn better by discovering themselves not by someone else telling them.
  • Impostor syndrome
  • Santiago Ramon y Cajal was a Nobel prize winner in 1906, his secret was perseverance, he had poor performance in schools, but he changed the way he thought.
  • We can make significant changes in brain by changing how we think
  • TIP: In a test, first tackle hard problems and then jump to the easy ones when you get stuck, by doing this you are alternating between FOCUSED and DIFFUSSED modes of brain, just like a chef preparing dishes, he lets the chicken in oven while he does other small tasks like cutting a tomato.
  • Change in thinking has effect on cortisol and stress, so, instead of thinking “This test has me afraid” try “This test has me excited to do my best”
  • Try deep breathing (ex. make your belly grow)
  • Try teaching to others what you have learned.